Is It Safe to Buy Second-Hand Shoes?

footprints in the sand

Did you find a rare pair of sneakers in a thrift store? Did you just spot a pair of used Oran Hermès sandals for a third cheaper price? Do you have a wedding around the corner and no heels to wear? Buying second-hand shoes is tempting. With the impact of fast fashion on the environment and […]

The Environmental Impact of Textile Waste: 5 Ways It Impacts Our Planet

pile of textile waste

Have you ever stopped to think about what happens to all those clothes you no longer wear or need? Most of us probably haven’t. We just toss them in the trash or donate them, assuming that someone else will find a use for them. But what happens to and what is the exact environmental impact […]

Embracing the Circular Economy: A Path to Sustainable Living

symbol of circular economy with sun in background

The circular economy is an economic model where resources are kept in use for as long as possible, and waste is minimised. Products are designed to be reused, repaired, or recycled instead of being disposed of in landfills.   Why Do We Need the Circular Economy? Our current linear economic model of “Take, Make, Dispose” […]

5 Simple Steps to Contribute to a Circular Economy

man practicing circular economy with children

Even though a completely waste-free circular economy is a grand vision, we can all contribute to conserving resources and reducing waste with small behavioural changes. Here are 5 simple steps for beginners: 1. Share and Rent Instead of Buying Ownership is overrated – in many areas, we can share or rent items instead of buying […]

The Return of Repairing: Embracing Sustainability in the Circular Economy

people standing around working desk, repairing metal item

Just a few decades ago, it was common to repair defective devices, furniture, or clothing instead of replacing them. Today, this sustainable practice is experiencing a renaissance due to environmental reasons.   Repairing is Trendy In our throwaway society, it has become a habit to simply replace broken items with new ones. However, the resource […]

The Challenges of Transitioning to a Circular Economy

Old cans made into plant pots

The vision of a zero-waste economy, where resources are continuously kept in the value cycle, is desirable but not easy to implement. On the path to a circular economy, several hurdles await. Nonetheless, the future for a more sustainable world lies in the circular economy. Read more about the future of a sustainable world. Technical […]

Unlocking the Circular Economy: A Business Opportunity

Cutout of green factory in front of forest

The circular economy offers tremendous potential for companies to increase resource efficiency and boost profits. There are various approaches, from product design to new business models and take-back systems, the opportunities are countless.   The Path to a Sustainable Future For companies, the shift towards a circular economy requires a change in thinking across many […]

The Power of Conscious Consumption in the Circular Economy

individual repurposing plastic as a vase

The transformation towards a waste-free, circular economy is a project that requires the involvement of all stakeholders in society. In addition to policymakers and businesses, conscious consumption plays a crucial role. Awareness and Acceptance Ultimately, the successful implementation of the circular economy largely depends on the consumption patterns of citizens. Only if consumers recognise the […]

Recycling Responsibly | Zero Waste Series #5

Recycling as 5th step in the pyramid of the 5 Rs of Zero Waste

In this last post of our series covering the 5 R’s of Zero Waste, we are closing the loop on resource consumption by talking about Responsible Recycling. Ready to take your environmental commitment to the next level? Let’s dive into the key steps of how your journey towards Zero Waste can become a successful one […]