
Wissen, Quizze und mehr – alles rund um die Kreislaufwirtschaft

Anxious guy covering his ears

Eco Anxiety and How to Deal With It

Fires. Floods. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Unbearably hot days. All of these weather events are intensifying due to climate change, which is a phenomenon causing gradual but dangerous warming of the planet. Climate change is caused by carbon

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clothe rack with second-hand colourful pieces

6 Common Myths About Second-Hand Shopping

Even though second-hand shopping has gained a lot in popularity over the last couple of years, there are still countless myths about second-hand shopping circulating that are stopping people from giving second-hand a chance. Don’t

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pile of single-use plastic waste

5 Replacements to Everyday Single-Use Plastic

What Is Single-use Plastic? Put simply, single-use plastics are goods that are made primarily from fossil fuel-based chemicals and are meant to be disposed of immediately after use. Single-use plastic pollution is one of the

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Book Covers that feature the topic of sustainability

The Best Books on Sustainability in 2024

Looking for a way to make your 2024 reading list a bit greener? We’ve handpicked some of the most diverse, informative and downright coolest books on sustainability! From the power of design that mimics natural

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waves with a dirty city in the backgrround

How to Prevent Water Pollution

What Is Water Pollution? Water pollution is a state in which harmful substances like chemicals or microorganisms contaminate a body of water: a stream, river, lake, or ocean. This pollution degrades water quality and renders

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plush animals and toys in a second-hand store

The Benefits of Buying Second-Hand

Every little thing that we buy, use, or throw away leaves a mark on the planet. Whether big or small, the effect on the environment cannot be ignored. This is where buying second-hand becomes a

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Model on a runway with upcycled clothes

The Benefits Of Upcycling Old Clothes

Do you have clothes in your closet that you no longer wear or don’t fit into anymore? Instead of throwing them away, why not consider upcycling them? What does upcycling mean? Upcycling is taking an

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